Here is a chronology of the events that ACT TWO has sponsored over the years.
Wake County Special Olympics at Les MiserablesFebruary 2012: Eight Athletes and two coaches from the "Raleigh Racers", Wake County's Special Olympics swim team, enjoyed NCT's incredible production of Les Miserables. Suffice it to say that no one was miserables!
Women's Center of Wake County at The BoyfriendJune 2012: Four wonderful women from the Helen Wright Center and two athletes from Special Olympics enjoyed an evening at Raleigh Little Theatre's production of The Boyfriend. New Friendships were formed, including both boys and girls!
Helen Wright Center at Rocky Horror Picture ShowSeptember 2012: Four glorious gals from the Raleigh's Helen Wright Center enjoyed Raleigh Little Theatre's Rocky Horror Picture Show. Let's do this time warp again!